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The Office of Institutional Research is responsible for managing the coding of all university-recognized units or departments and the relationship of those units within the university hierarchy.  This includes the creation of new units, renaming existing units, moving units from one college or major administrative unit (MAU) to another, and discontinuing or sun-setting units. The System of Record for unit codes and relationships is the Organization of Interest (OOI) application and database. Institutional Research is the business owner of this application.

All university entities are assigned an 8 digit organization code (org code) which is an ID by which the entity is recognized in all university systems.  These assigned org codes will not change even if the org moves from one hierarchical group to another.

Units, colleges and/or MAUs desiring an organizational change should send an email to with information about the requested change. This email will begin the process.

Our Organization Planning Group meets regularly to assist units in planning and implementing all types of organizational change. This group also ensures that those changes are distributed to all MSU business systems. The Organization Planning Group consists of subject matter experts from identified MSU business systems and applications.

Data about units, codes and relationships recorded in the OOI application can be accessed through our unit search tool (login required) and from the MSU Enterprise Data Warehouse (MSUEDW). For questions and information about these reports/views, and for any other questions on unit codes and relationships, please email



The Common Unit Code lookup web site has been decommissioned.
  • The Organization of Interest (OOI) application and database has replaced the legacy Common Unit Code system as the system of record for all MSU recognized units.
  • Colleges, MAUs and units are now identified by an 8 digit “Organization Code” or org code.
  • Org codes have limited or no sight logic. Codes assigned prior to 2011 have the legacy CUC code with “100” added in front. Codes created since 2011 start with a “4”.
  • Org codes are identifiers of a unit and do not provide any information about the placement of that unit within a college or MAU.
Institutional Research within the Office of the Provost is the business owner of the OOI application.
  • Once the request is submitted, you will receive an informational communication from the IR team about next steps.
  • Approval from senior leadership is usually required.
  • For most org changes, a meeting with your unit and members of the Organization Planning Group is required.
    • The Organization Planning Group consists of MSU’s business systems’ subject matter experts who will guide you through the change process.
Institutional Research staff record org changes in the OOI application. Those changes are then distributed to MSU’s business applications via controlled interfaces.
  • Data about organizations is contained in views in the MSU Enterprise Data Warehouse (MSUEDW).
  • Access to the MSUEDW is granted by IT Services.
  • For information about the “OOI” views in the EDW, please email