IPEDS cohorts include undergraduate, degree- or certificate-seeking full-time, first-time students who enter in a fall semester, or who enter in a summer semester and continue on to the immediate next fall. Race_Ethnicity_Group data definition: The racial and/or ethnicity of undergraduate students. The available categories are defined by the IPEDS standards, which were changed in 2009. See https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/news_room/ana_Changes_to_10_25_2007_169.asp for more information. Gender_Group data definition: Female, Male, or Total (Female + Male) Cohort_Year: Cohort entering year. Graduation_Year: Graduation status is checked 6 years later, or 150% after the normal degree completion time of 4 years. Graduation_Rate: The total number of the cohort who graduated within 6 years, divided by the total number in the entering cohort. Cohort_Count: The number of students in the indicated entering cohort, for the indicated race/ethnicity and gender group. Completers: The number of students in the Cohort Count who graduated within 6 years.